Category Archives: Wreath Presentations

Society presents wreath at the tomb of President Monroe on April 28, 2024 at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia


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Society Members attend festivities observing the birth of President James Monroe at the Monroe Birthplace, Westmoreland, Virginia


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Society members lay wreath at James Madison’s grave site at Montpelier, Virginia


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Society honors President James Monroe by placing wreath at his tomb in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia, April 28, 2023


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Society participates in joint event at Flint Hill Cemetery, Oakton, Virginia, on October 15, 2022


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Society President attends Commemoration of Virginia Declaration of Rights at Gunston Hall, Virginia, June 11, 2022

Society of the War of 1812 President Paul Walden at Gunston Hall2022

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Society participates in Joint Dedication with Virginia Society of the Sons of the Revolution at Cedar Grove Cemetery, Norfolk, May 21, 2022

Cedar Grove dedication May 21, 2022

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Society of War of 1812 in Virginia provides color guard for Daughters of the War of 1812 Rappahannock Chapter

Societyprovides color guard

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President Paul Walden lays wreath at grave of War of 1812 veteran at Timberville, Virginia on April 30, 2022

Society President Paul Walden at Timberville, Viirginia

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Society observes the 264th birthday of James Monroe at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia, April 28, 2022


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