Six 1812 Veteran Brothers Honored at Historic Christ Church in Lancaster County on March 27, 2010
Our Virginia Society contributed $300 toward the cost of this plaque placed at the entranceway to the church. Notice at the bottom is our society name for folks to see for a long time. Our colors were carried at a luncheon that preceded the ceremony. Attending was President Hartman who laid a wreath, and Colonel Andrew Johnson, Deputy President General of the Chesapeake-Potomac District of the General Society War of 1812, who also laid a wreath. Mike Lyman, Bill Nash and Dr William Nichols of our Society also attended. Our Star Spangled Banner flag was carried by President Hartman. An article mentioning our society was in the local paper preceding and following the event as well as an article in the Northern Neck Historical Society newsletter. An interesting aspect is that the six 1812 militiamen were all brothers and the sons of a Revolutionary War patriot who was also honored.
- Attendees to ceremony on church lawn
- View of cemetery and ceremony
- Mike Lyman moderates & Color Guard
- Plaque listing 1812 soldiers with others.
- Ritual by reps of (L/R): SAR, OFPA, WFPA & War of 1812 Societies
- Ritual read by Society Reps, President Hartman on right
- Musket Salute by Lon Lacey
- Taps played over 1812 & SAR graves
- Color Guard, second in line is Star Spangled Banner flag for 1812 Society
- Luncheon has SPB Flag by 1812 Society carried by President Hartman.
I’ve been researching my family history and discovered that my 3rd great grandfather was in the War of 1812. His wife filed for and received a pension for his service after he had died. I have a copy of that application and approval. He was buried on the family farm in Mason County Kentucky. In 1993 my cousin visited that family cemetery which was surrounded by a stone wall. The wall needed some attention which a group of men and women provided as evidenced on the video. My grandfather’s stone was still there even though the bottom part of the stone had broken off. Earlier this year I made a trip to Mason County Kentucky to visit that family cemetery. The owner told me that since he uses that area as part of his pasture his cows had torn down the wall that surrounded the graveyard and there wasn’t really anything left of the cemetery. Both of my 3rd great grandparents were buried there. My grandfathers grave stone and any other stones that were there were gone. I’m wondering if there are any laws that protect family graveyards from this kind of distruction. The sites of our patriots should be protected. Thank you for any guidance you can provide.
I suggest you contact the Magistrate or sheriff’s office in Mason County. Kentucky probably has a law regarding cemeteries and the rights of descendants to the interred there and the responsibility of land owners to protect cemeteries on their property. You may need the services of an attorney in this matter to file suit. The landowners removal of the gravestones is probably against the law. It would be in Virginia
Mike Lyman
Virginia War of 1812 Society Graves chairman